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Who would you like to see as a Funko Pop?

Firstly, I thought of some classic movie, TV series, and comic characters, but there were also some non-traditional choices. Let's get started!

1. Albert Einstein: As a symbol of scientists and thinkers, he would be a cool Funko Pop!

2. Mary Curie: Another scientist whose contributions are crucial for both radiology and nuclear physics.

3. Neil Armstrong: The first person to land on the moon, this will be a historic Funko Pop.

4. Alexander the Great: a symbol of conqueror and empire builder.

5. Daji: A beautiful woman and snake spirit in ancient Chinese legends, her image is sure to attract many people.

6. Da Vinci: As a symbol of art and science, his image will be very attractive.

7. The Cat in the Chicago Fire: This is an interesting choice to commemorate a major event in Chicago's history.

8. Captain of the Titanic: With his heroic image, he serves as a symbol of the sinking of the Titanic.

9. Winston Churchill: British Prime Minister during World War II, his steadfastness and leadership will make him a great Funko Pop.

10. Carl Sagan: Astronomer, astronaut, and science writer who combines the spirit of science and adventure.

11. Shakespeare: a literary giant whose image will attract those who love literature.

12. Yulia Olmozda: a young activist who loves peace and environmental protection. Her image will inspire more young people to devote themselves to environmental protection.

13. Martin Luther King Jr.: The leader of the civil rights movement and a fighter for peace, his image will represent justice and perseverance.

14. Malala Yusufozai: an education activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner, her image will inspire more women to pursue education and freedom.

15. George Washington: The first president of the United States, whose image will represent the spirit of American independence and freedom.

This is just the beginning, I believe there are still many people who want to become Funko Pop.

If you also want to become Funko Pop. So you can customize a Funko Pop with your own photos on the website. Customized website URL: https://www.bobblechief.com/ .

https://www.bobblechief.com/ The craftsmen of this custom website can convert your photos into a realistic statue. Their design team has rich experience and creativity, and can customize a statue that is highly similar to yours based on your photos. They can achieve precise and meticulous facial features, clothing style, and posture movements.

Customizing a personalized Funko Pop typically involves several steps. Firstly, you need to provide a clear photo of yourself as a reference. Then, the website customer service will communicate with you to ensure that they understand your needs and preferences. Once the design is finalized, their craftsmen will start making statues. The entire process usually takes several weeks, but the results will definitely be satisfactory.